Tips for Communicating With Teens: Good Communication Is Safe Communication
One reality behind common parent-teen struggles is that teens have one foot in childhood and one foot in adulthood. Therapists call this developmental individuating. It means your child is becoming their own person. They’re gaining independence and getting ready to launch out on their own. And that process of separating from you is normal, natural, […]
Help for Helicopter Parents: Strategies for Growth and Learning
We love our kids and have a healthy desire to protect them. But that can sometimes morph into an unhealthy need to control every aspect of their lives. And that could rob them of opportunities to develop confidence and strength. Kids need to be challenged. They need opportunities for manageable risk: to problem-solve, advocate for […]
Managing Family Conflict with your Teen
Living with family is not always easy. Living with teenagers can be especially challenging. We find ourselves experiencing hurt, disappointment, and anger, no matter how often we might want to avoid or ignore it. Whether it’s a major life transition, loss, behavioral concern, or just general difference in opinion, unresolved issues can lead to strained […]
Tough Love in Adult Relationships Part 2
Last month we outlined what tough love is not and what it is. In short, tough love is not a one-size-fits-all solution. And it’s never done out of punishment, revenge, manipulation, or control. Instead, tough love shows compassion for someone’s brokenness while remembering that enabling is not helping. And it safeguards your own well-being. So, […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #9:
Set Yourself Up for Success
Successis sometimes defined as “reaching a particular goal, achieving a desired end, and relishing victory over defeat.” However, success is often found in the process rather than a single destination. And just think how far you’ve come as you’ve confronted your spouse’s sexual sin. Most importantly, you have given God room to work. You have […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #9:
Set Yourself Up for Success
Successis sometimes defined as “reaching a particular goal, achieving a desired end, and relishing victory over defeat.” However, success is often found in the process rather than a single destination. And just think how far you’ve come as you’ve confronted your spouse’s sexual sin. Most importantly, you have given God room to work. You have […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #8:
The Road to Recovery
You’ve been traumatized by your spouse’s sexual sin. However, with care, you can begin to experience moments of relief and eventually even refreshment. And if your spouse truly repents of their sin, it will take bothof you to accomplish full marital healing. Trust, forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration are all part of the recovery process. Trust […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #7:
Confront Your Spouse
It’s time to confront your spouse with what you know or suspect about their sexual sin. Or, if facts are in the open but your spouse won’t take action to change, it’s time to confront them with what must happen next. And how they handle the confrontation will guide your response. How to respond if […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #7:
Confront Your Spouse
It’s time to confront your spouse with what you know or suspect about their sexual sin. Or, if facts are in the open but your spouse won’t take action to change, it’s time to confront them with what must happen next. And how they handle the confrontation will guide your response. How to respond if […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #6:
Make Decisions and Prepare for Action
By this point, you’ve worked to understand your own emotions in light of your spouse’s sexual sin, and you’ve learned the importance of self-care. Now you’re ready to take loving, firm action. But you’ll want to prepare before confronting your spouse. Here are some important things to consider. Understand the severity of your situation In […]