Christmas Memories
Memories of Christmases past are like presents under the tree. Arriving in all shapes and sizes, some grab our attention and overshadow the thoughts of the season, while others are small and hidden away. Christmas memories which dominate the season tend to be either the warm and fuzzy type or the ones that are as […]
What’s Your Mindset?
Simply defined, your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you see yourself and the world around you. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. Psychologist Carol Dweck has spent her career looking at the role that an individual’s mindset plays in their success. She coined the terms […]
How to Cope When Things Get Scary
I am a Behavioral Medicine Clinical Psychologist and Registered Nurse and have been practicing with Meier Clinics for 28 years. While working with anxiety and stress in the arena of mental health is commonplace in my clinical practice, helping people cope with the fear, anxiety and stress related to COVID and its collateral impact on […]
How to Cope When Things Get Scary
I am a Behavioral Medicine Clinical Psychologist and Registered Nurse and have been practicing with Meier Clinics for 28 years. While working with anxiety and stress in the arena of mental health is commonplace in my clinical practice, helping people cope with the fear, anxiety and stress related to COVID and its collateral impact on […]
Exercise and Mental Wellness
Scripture states, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). While we can find strength through this verse for any of life’s challenges, I have been pondering this lately regarding health and wellness. We know that we will experience physical and mental illness during our lifetime; however, we can do great […]
Exercise and Mental Wellness
Scripture states, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). While we can find strength through this verse for any of life’s challenges, I have been pondering this lately regarding health and wellness. We know that we will experience physical and mental illness during our lifetime; however, we can do great […]
Dealing with Anxiety
Meier Clinics provides services to people with various mental health illnesses including depression, bipolar, psychosis, ADHD and various forms of anxiety. This article will focus on anxiety, which is defined as how our bodies respond to a stressor or stimulating factor. The words “fear not” appear in the bible 365 times. That is symbolic as […]
Restoring Relationships with Adult Siblings
My brother, my two sisters and I enjoyed growing up together, watching TV together, playing many board games together, and going to church together. We looked forward to family vacations together, often visiting relatives in other states. Now, I still love all my siblings very much, and my younger sister is one of my closest […]
But God…
We have seen so many changes in this past year, and it’s hard to wrap our minds around this “new normal.” Simply put, we have our pre-COVID lives and our since COVID lives. We used to be able to gather with our friends and family, unafraid. We used to be able to go out to […]
But God…
We have seen so many changes in this past year, and it’s hard to wrap our minds around this “new normal.” Simply put, we have our pre-COVID lives and our since COVID lives. We used to be able to gather with our friends and family, unafraid. We used to be able to go out to […]