Pandemic Survival Guide
Pray – One of the most important coping skills during this pandemic is to PRAY! We need to remember God is in control, even when things seem out of control. We also need to hold onto Romans 8:28 which says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This reminds us […]
How to Not Let Fear Become A Pandemic: A Summary of Three Top Articles
Last week the World Health Organization officially declared Covid-19 a pandemic. The virus has infected approximately 210,000 people globally, rattling financial markets, upending local economies and resulting in over 8,700 deaths worldwide, with numbers expected to climb. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 5,300 cases in the United […]
NO is a Beautiful Word
NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! The universal “sign” that all is not going well…. The “sign” that we have been rejected, spurned, denied, blocked, and all the other degrading words we can think about in relationships unless we look at the word “No” in a different light. What if “No” were to mean honesty […]
NO is a Beautiful Word
NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! The universal “sign” that all is not going well…. The “sign” that we have been rejected, spurned, denied, blocked, and all the other degrading words we can think about in relationships unless we look at the word “No” in a different light. What if “No” were to mean honesty […]
Springtime of the Soul: How to Nurture
We eagerly watch calendars and flower beds for spring’s arrival. We want to believe that nature’s manifestation of new life promises our renewal, too. That hearts weary from cold, painful struggles will be healed with a change of season. But, writes Jon Bloom, “the normal Christian life is embattled. It’s full of strange and difficult […]
Psychology and Spirituality: Are God’s Commands Written On Our Hearts?
As a Christian therapist, I often ask myself what is distinctive about Christian counseling. This is especially on my mind with the ever-increasing discoveries in brain science which describe the marvels of our brains, our ever-changing brains, our brains which God created. How does Christian counseling differ from secular counseling? Is there an interface between […]
Psychology and Spirituality: Are God’s Commands Written On Our Hearts?
As a Christian therapist, I often ask myself what is distinctive about Christian counseling. This is especially on my mind with the ever-increasing discoveries in brain science which describe the marvels of our brains, our ever-changing brains, our brains which God created. How does Christian counseling differ from secular counseling? Is there an interface between […]
Four Loves That Build A Marriage
Struggling to get motivated for another Valentine’s Day? Day-to-day realities of married life can test even the best of intentions to keep up the emotional excitement of romance. But genuine marital love is a multi-dimensional marvel — and romance is just one type of love that sustains a lifelong marriage. So let yourself breathe. Take […]
A Different Christmas
On a chilly December day many years ago, we took our young children to see a living nativity. The nativity included a number of sheep, a donkey, and people dressed as Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. A well-swaddled doll served as a stand-in for baby Jesus, tucked in the manger and surrounded by hay. Our […]
A Different Christmas
On a chilly December day many years ago, we took our young children to see a living nativity. The nativity included a number of sheep, a donkey, and people dressed as Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. A well-swaddled doll served as a stand-in for baby Jesus, tucked in the manger and surrounded by hay. Our […]